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Scholarly Catalogue 
Each of these texts or films have inspired my studies and have allowed me to experience social justice advocacy in new platforms
Social Justice: Theories, Issues, and Movements


This book, written by two highly respected authors addresses social justice issues from cultural, historical, and political standpoints. The part of the book that is most intriguing and informational is the beginning where it discusses multiple points of views on what exactly justice is. Introduced then, are opinions from historical philosophers such as Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, and John Stuart Mill. I found this section of the book imperative to my research and studies because in order to conceptualize what justice is, one has to have a grounded understanding of the many different ways justice can be interpreted and acted upon. The beginning of this book offers a wide range of in-depth definitions of justice, which I believe is the ideal way to begin the study of social justice as an action, not just a term.

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Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, & Culture


The thirteenth edition of this book, written by two leading gender communication scholars, dives into the issues that surround gender and society and establishes many occasions where our views of these topics can be shaped within temporary culture. This book offers an alternative argument on femininity and masculinity, the issues surrounding these terms, and presents a conversational style of writing in terms of gender in the public sphere. This source offers a scholarly view on how people who identify with different genders can experience society. This is an important concept to understand when working with social justice, communication, gender studies, and culture studies. In order to make a difference or even attempt to promote justice and change, one should understand and become familiar with the personal lives and stories of those involved.

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Hedwig and the Angry Inch


Hedwig and the Angry Inch is an award winning, groundbreaking musical, book, and film written by John Cameron Mitchell and Stephen Trask. This story is known for its message, drama, and queer theory. Hedwig and the Angry Inch tells a story about a young music star who is transgender. Hedwig, the main character experiences the challenges that are faced not only in the music industry but as well as the LGBTQ+ community. The role that this book plays in finding ones identity is crucial. As Hedwig struggles through the story she is confronted with interpersonal challenges and questions about her own identity, but at the end of the day she is able to find the answers she is looking for. Not only is this source an astonishing production and read, it offers relatable situations and experiences that can carry over exceptionally to others who are also battling with their identity. 

Get Out


“Get out is a horror film about benevolent racism. It’s spine-chilling”(Wilkinson2017). This quote from Alyssa Wilkinson’s article on clearly explains what this film is utterly about. Get Out applies societies issues of racism and appropriately dramatizes them into a film production. The movie is about a couple where the woman is white and the man is of color. The man is introduced to her parents only to fin out that they are flat out racists who auction off people of color. Get Out tries to emphasize the point that people are racist and that racism is still an issue in our society today. This source is credible and current and allows its audience to look through a scope only to see the genuine issues around race and culture that thousands of individuals face every day. A film production like Get Out and its ability to portray such a powerful message is necessary when beginning to understand the relationship between humans, their race, culture, and identity. As a part of my studies in culture, gender, and sexuality, race also plays a key role, which is why it is just as crucial and valuable as my other areas of focus.

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The Argonauts


This book presents a personable story of the intricacies that arise in queer family making. It also offers the opportunity to learn through love and language by giving examples and thoughts on topics like identity and desire. One can learn an immense handful of limitations and potentials through the story that The Argonauts has to offer such as adoption, same sex couples, and same sex families. Lastly, this book touches on gender, sexuality and the irked institutions of marriage and becoming a parent. Nelson is able to portray a strong argument for individualism, LGBTQ+ couples, and their rights on rallying topics like marriage, adoption, and childbirth. By incorporating all of these important ideas together, Nelson presents a strong recourse for families who are same sex, looking to adopt, or have restraints within family life, gender sexuality advocacy, and social justice.

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Lighthouse Article: 6 Unique Strengths Prevalent in the LGBT Community, And How to Use Them


This article offers an insight to some factual information on people in the LGBTQ+ community. Lighthouse does an impeccable job of outlining and structuring the fortes that individuals in the LGBTQ+ community acquire. Not only does the article discuss strengths, it touches on the characteristics, wisdom, and insights that members of this community are able to teach and share. This source is important and applicable because it is pure advocacy. A powerful message is sent through this article in stating that members of the LGBTQ+ community are underappreciated and under acknowledged for their experiences and ability to overcome adversity in our sometimes-unbarring society. This is not only a fascinating read but it is appreciation, it is a sign of hope that our society can become more inclusive and genuinely see people for the good they have to offer.

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