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A Reflective Essay on Social Justice

      Let’s Reflect

          A Critical Reflection on Social Justice as an Experience


            After transferring to Hamline University for my last two years at an academic institution, I have come across something that is bigger than myself or any other experiences I have encountered. I chose to become a Social Justice major because I wanted to study something that would allow me to choose my own career path in my own ways. Before coming to Hamline, I knew I wanted to study something that wasn’t a direct path to a career such as nursing, education, or physician care. My first idea was business, and then I decided I didn’t want to spend my time studying topics like math and economics. Then, I took the Social Justice introduction class, which to me just sounded like an interesting class. I thought it was a class that I was going to take, complete the work for, pass, and then move on from the topic. This was not the case. Social Justice is a perfect major for me. It is a general major, but I am able to choose what I want to study within this major making it a more specific concentration. I am also able to take years worth of classes that I will actually enjoy and receive knowledge from instead of doing statistics, spreadsheets, and business notes for four years straight. This is important to me because once I graduate I want to say that I thrived in my college experience, I don’t want to say that I just got by and did what I had to do for a degree.


            This is why Social Justice worked for me. Something about the issues, topics, theories, and people that we discussed in the introduction class spoke to me. Not only was I able to actually find meaning, application, and value in the course material, I was able to find passion within myself about the topic and incorporate these ideas into my everyday lifestyle. So far, I have learned a very wide range of topics that have to do with Social Justice. Some of these topics include philosophical theories about our world and human activity and nationwide issues such as poverty, discrimination, oppression, and capitalism. Before declaring my major, I was unable to even define some of these terms, now I can confidently research, write papers on, speak on, and communicate about all of these crucial topics.


            Three different types of Social Justice issues that I decided to pursue as my concentration within Social Justice are gender, sexuality, and race. Essentially I want to become an expert on these three areas. I have cultivated these areas because they are important to me and because I have always believed in using privilege to make change and not to lower others on the totem poll. What I mean by this is that by identifying as a white woman, I do obtain a substantial amount of privilege simply because of my race. I want to be able to use that to my advantage and speak for or to groups of all people. I also identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and want to create more community, understanding, and acceptance within the LGBTQ+ culture. I plan on doing these things throughout this school year, during my internship, and throughout postgraduate opportunities as well. At this point in time I am working at Roseville Area High School where I get to work with high school juniors and seniors of all different genders, race, and sexualities. During this internship, one of my goals is to present on gender, sexuality, and race to different clubs at the high school. I also get the opportunity to research scholarship opportunities, learn about and fill out FAFSA forms, and lastly interact with multiple different students to discuss their futures. A lot of my internship requires student interaction and assistance. This is a fascinating opportunity for me not only because I get to expand my knowledge and experiences within Minnesota’s school systems, but also because I get to focus on my concentrations as I help students reflect on their culture, identities, and the ways in which their unique experiences will help them succeed in college.


            Being a Social Justice major has really helped me identify my own being, identity, culture, and values. I don’t really know how to explain how social justice has framed my identity other than I just feel like for once in my life I belong somewhere. I simply feel like I belong in this field. Throughout my high school years and my first few years at a university, I had never felt like I found my passion or my place. Now that I have explored the concepts and knowledge that it takes to become a Social Justice major, I have completely changed my mindset and perspective. I have started to stand up for myself more, stand up for others, believe in myself more, establish relationships, and overall I've been able to strengthen my core identity. Before building this strength, I would sit in the back of the classroom and go through the motions of school. I always have done well in school but I have never really found substantial interest until now. What I look like in a classroom setting now is a complete shift from before I chose this major. I now sit in the front, I talk, I make jokes, I value and share my own opinion, and I speak on others’ opinions, I reflect on books and articles, and genuinely take interest in the content that I am being exposed to. Part of me wonders why it took me so long to find this interest and it does make me sad that this is my last year to explore this as an undergraduate student, but the other part of me is extremely excited to see where this field will take me especially because it really is only the beginning of this journey for me.


             Studying Social Justice has already changed my life in so many ways and I am expecting and hoping that it continues to play a role in my life even after graduation. I hope that I continue to work within my concentration and make a difference. One thing I really want to establish is equality. That is a complex and desperate goal to chase after, but I do think it is possible if all of us Social Justice majors get out there and start using our knowledge, backgrounds, and experiences to our advantage. I don’t really know my plan, where I am going to go, where Social Justice will take me, but I do know that I will love it if I can work within social change and advocacy as it has now become my passion. Thank you Social Justice for giving me somewhere to belong and somewhere to be myself.

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